Eliminating your credit card debt or credit repair does not mean you have to hire an expensive credit repair service. In fact, to fix your credit, you need not do anything; you can just go ahead, and do it for free! However, it is not an easy task, despite all the promises made by those who give out professional services in this regard.
Getting Rid of Bad Credit
Firstly, do not sign a contract or commit yourself to an expensive credit repair service. Don’t go ahead and buy books or software which give easy advice towards fixing your credit. Instead, just go ahead and focus on these three simple and free steps towards getting rid of bad credit.
Step One
Go to the root of the matter and run all your credit reports. Any consumer has the option wherein he can have, at his disposal, three major reporting agencies for getting a free report. Even if a credit application has been denied recently, you can still ask for a report at that point and time.
Step Two
After summarizing the situation, it is time to progress to the next level. Take your cards, snip them and throw all of them out of the window. Close all these accounts and don’t sign for any more cards till your credit comes in the green once again. Try not to add any more debt as it will further complicate matters.
Step Three
In the final step, try and repair all bad credit. Eliminating any credit card debt will take the longest and involve a lot of toil and sweat. This step will also require a concrete plan of action as compared to the other steps. Debt consolidation is one of the most effective options for credit repair. Seek advice from a trustworthy professional and consolidate all your credit card debts into one single loan. In doing so, you will definitely be able to handle your finances in a better manner.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
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